Christ Centered Education

At Randolph Christian School, we study, teach, and apply the Bible as our final authority. All things were created by Christ and hold together in Christ (Colossians 1:16-17). Together we are called to seek first his kingdom (Matthew 6:33). Knowing that Christ stands at the center of history and sits on the throne, our students explore the diversity of our world all with eyes wide open. Each subject testifies to our world’s Creator and Redeemer. Each new insight equips our students for serving Christ in every area of life and ensure that students will grow and leave RCS ready to function as one body in Christ - striving to live with unity, peace and righteousness. To do so, we will build a Christian Community of global citizens that deeply know the diverse history and nature of the body of Christ.

At RCS we strive to provide our students with a high quality education with a Christian perspective.  This means integrating our firm beliefs that Jesus Christ is Lord, Redeemer, and King into each subject area.  Since the world belongs to God, the education at RCS focuses on God’s order and beauty in creation, on giving our students real understanding about how sin has affected the world, and on teaching them how to live in obedience to God, and praise Him for His goodness and His grace.  At Randolph Christian School, each of our subject areas is reviewed periodically by teachers and the Education Committee to establish specific goals and objectives.


Jesus gave His best for us, therefore we strive to give our best to Him.

​Students will graduate from Randolph Christian School well-prepared for further education and lifelong learning. Our accredited curriculum is aligned with our Christ-centered mission and also with well-researched external standards. Our teachers engage students as whole persons and cultivate the ability to think creatively and critically. Our administrator and board hire teachers able to design and implement programs of instruction that nurture and challenge each individual learner. 

Administration and Support Staff

No teaching staff is complete without support! Teachers and students are supported by a great set of aides and resource staff. Our support staff are critical members of the RCS experience and ensure student success from pre-school through 8th grade. They have a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion and play critical roles in the school community.


    My name is Laura Westra. I am the Head of School at Randolph Christian. This is my third year at RCS and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the students, their families, and the teaching staff. I come to RCS with thirty years of teaching experience. I have a Master of Arts in Education, a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education, a Minor in Bible History, and a Minor in World History. I am married to Eric Westra, who is a wonderful man and one of my greatest treasures in life. One of the greatest gifts God has given me is being a mother to our three children: Mitch, Melanie, and Riley. Mitch is a Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. Melanie lives and works in Arizona. Riley is a Sophomore at the University of La Crosse. My passions in life include being a Christ Follower, spending time with my family, reading biographies, going on adventures, eating chocolate, kayaking, hiking, biking, and being out in nature in general.

    It is a privilege to be a part of RCS and be able to help shape the lives of children. I desire that every student in our school know who they are in Christ and what they are called to; that they love people with the love of Jesus, and thus change the World.​


    Hey! My name is Heidi Vree, and I am the Hot Lunch Coordinator here at RCS. This is my first year working at RCS, however the school is not new to me. My family has been attending Randolph Christian School for almost 100 years! I attended from 4k-8th grade just like my dad, his dad, and his grandpa! My husband also attended RCS and now we have two daughters here, making my daughters the 5th generation on my side of the family to get a Christ-centered education at Randolph Christian School!

    My favorite part of working at RCS is getting to see all the kids every day during the best part of the school day…LUNCH! When I am not at school, I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, walking my dog, Moose, watching sporting events, and spending time outdoors.


    Hi! My name is Julie DeVries, and I am the Administrative Assistant at Randolph Christian School. I began my journey here just two days before the first day of school in August 2015, and I've loved every moment since!

    My husband, Gary, and I have four amazing children—Heidi (Doug) Vree, Lindsey (Greg) Roberts, Brady, and Cody—as well as two fantastic sons-in-law. When I’m not at school caring for my RCS family, I enjoy spending time with my own family—especially my grandchildren! I also love watching mystery movies and shows, baking, and working on puzzles.


    My name is Jeanne Quincey.  I am the Elementary Music Teacher’s Aide.  This is my second year at RCS.  The staff at RCS are very supportive, and the students are truly a delight - they are such enthusiastic singers! 

    I graduated from UW. Madison with a B.S. in Elementary Education.  My first job was teaching in Beaver Dam, where I now live with my husband Ken. 


    My name is Karen Mulder.  I grew up in Grand Rapids, Michigan . I attended Dordt College/ University and graduated in 1978. I began teaching 1st grade in the fall of 1978-1981. I was Miss Aardema back then. I met Stu Mulder, we married in June of 1981. Back then, I taught 2nd grade for 1 year at Waupun Christian. The first of our 4 children arrived in July of 1982 and I was a stay at home mom. I taught kindergarten for 12 years once my youngest was in 1st grade at CWC.   We now enjoy 9 grandchildren who live in WI and IL. I enjoy being able to interact with students in the classroom, lunch line, and at recess. I feel I’ve come full circle beginning my teaching career at RCS and now working as an aide.




The elementary school consists of the 4K through 4th grades. Here our students develop a true love and excitement for learning, feel valued whatever their ability, and gain confidence in those abilities. Our excellent staff do this by engaging students in active, creative, and joyful learning.


    My name is Jamie Weaver, and I am an Instructional Aide and P.E. teacher here at RCS. I grew up and graduated from the Randolph school district, and then earned a degree in 6-12 Agriculture Education from UW-Platteville. I taught high school and middle school for two years when my husband and I decided to move back to Wisconsin. For many years I enjoyed working at Jung’s Seed Company in varying capacities until I felt I was being led back to the schools.

    My husband and I have two children, and most of our free time is devoted to supporting them in their activities. I enjoy reading, gardening, and sports (playing and watching), and coach our RCS middle school volleyball team.

    RCS has been an important part of our family’s life, as both our children have, or are currently, attending here. We have enjoyed being a part of a school that cares deeply about not only the academic growth of its students, but developing and encouraging a real relationship with God.



    My name is Elizabeth Novey, and I teach kindergarten at RCS. I hold B.S. degrees in Early Childhood Education and Biblical & Educational Studies from Liberty University, as well as ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) certifications in Early Education, Elementary Education, and Bible. I have been teaching in Christian schools since 2018 (at RCS since 2021) and feel blessed with the opportunity to make an eternal difference in the lives of young children.

    The Lord has placed a strong calling in my heart to help children get to know Jesus Christ and become rooted in biblical truth. I love to nurture my students’ natural curiosity and inspire within them a passion for learning, exploring God’s world alongside God’s Word. Teaching at RCS is more than a job for me—I consider it to be a very rewarding ministry and mission field.

    When I'm not teaching, I enjoy hiking, biking, doing inductive Bible study, playing board games, reading, cooking made-from-scratch meals, and exploring museums.


    What a great experience it has been teaching at RCS! This is now my 4th year teaching here

    and I am currently teaching 2nd Grade. I have fully enjoyed the Christian and family atmosphere

    that RCS provides. I have met wonderful people and have found life-long friends.

    I hold a B.A. degree in a double major of Elementary Education and Biblical Studies. I also

    have a M.A. in Counseling Foundations. I have taught periodically in christian schools

    throughout my career along with 11 years of Title One teaching.

    I was born and raised on a Minnesota farm, so I am loving the idea of teaching in a farming

    community. I graduated from Trinity Bible College where I met my husband, Todd. We have

    served in a pastoral role ever since. For the last 25 years, we have pastored in Jefferson. We

    have three sons who all served in the military, and are blessed with 7 grandkids. Personally, I

    enjoy reading, sitting on my deck, doing yard work, garage sales, and loving my dog.




    Greetings! My name is Darlyn DeYoung. My husband, Harold, and I grew up in Randolph having met in 1st grade and we have been married 52 years. We have 4 married children, 9 grandkids and enjoy our family times with them. We have been blessed that our family all live close by. That means both my husband and I can help them out when a need arises and follow our grandkids in their school activities.

    We were foster parents for both Dodge and Columbia Counties for 30 years. Newborn babies were my favorite placements. One year I had 7 newborns, and I didn’t mind the night time feedings. Harold and I felt this were a way we could serve the Lord by opening up our home to those in need. I play organ at 2 churches. I love the practice times when it is just me and the Lord and the empty church.

    My hobbies include reading, diamond painting, flower gardening, and doing puzzles. I have traveled to all 50 states. Branson, MO is our very favorite place to go because of the MUSIC shows there.

    This is my 1st year teaching music at RCS. I accepted this position because of my LOVE for kids, LOVE of music and my LOVE for the Lord. I have 31 amazing, talented students. (I sound like a grandmother)

    It is truly a blessing to get to know these kids and help them to find a love for music. “Make a joyful noise . . .” I wish you could experience their excitement and willingness to learn.

    I am dedicated to RCS. Our children attended (years ago) and now I have 3 grandkids attending RCS. I have discovered a different level of appreciation of RCS now that I am part of the staff. The staff is very compassionate, helpful to each other in any way they can, and I am so happy and proud to be a part of RCS. I LOVE MY JOB.



    Hello, I am Diane Holland and I am the 4K and Resource Teacher here at RCS. I graduated from Missouri State University with a Bachelors in Education and a minor is Design and Architecture. My teaching experience includes kindergarten, 1st grade, 7th and 8th grade journalism, and 6th grade Social Studies. I also homeschooled my children through the majority of their academic years.

    My husband, Ron and I have four daughters and one grandson. We have lived in Wisconsin for 27 years.

    Outside of teaching I also enjoy outdoor activities that include gardening, hiking, kayaking, and lazy days at the beach.

    I have found RCS to be a faith centered family school and it is both a joy and honor to be teaching here.


    I’m Amy Regnerus and I have been the first grade teacher at RCS for two years.  I love teaching at a place that puts Christ first. I can’t wait to start each day praising God with songs and devotions.  It is a privilege to dig into our Bible stories and recite our memory verses.  It is my prayer the students take the truths that we learn and apply them to their lives as they follow Jesus and serve others.

    I grew up in Randolph and am an RCS alumni.  I attended Calvin University and took a job as a first grade teacher in the Chicago area where I met my husband Dave.  I taught for 5 years before becoming a mom and moving back to Wisconsin.  We have four kids with two of them married giving us six grandkids. When our youngest was in preschool, I started teaching again. We live outside of Fox Lake and we love having the kids and grandkids visit.

    I enjoy going to garage sales and finding bargains for my grandkids and classroom.  I like to hike and be outside.  I love cactus plants and succulents. My window sills in our classroom mirror the window sills at my home with lots of plants. 

    It’s a blessing to be part of the RCS family.  The team of teachers and staff that I get to plan, laugh, and pray with has been invaluable to me.  The day to day interactions with the kids as they grow spiritually and in academics is why I love being a teacher.

Middle School

Students at Randolph Christian School enter junior high in the 5th grade. Here our students will build on their elementary education, using higher level thinking to comprehend, apply, analyze and evaluate in their classrooms and beyond. ​In junior high, our staff continues to affirm that true learning and wisdom can only occur within a worldview that acknowledges that every square inch of creation belongs to God. Throughout their education, students will draw closer to God and praise Him for their growth.


    Hello! My name is Alyssa Schreur and I teach Middle School English Language Arts here at Randolph Christian. This is my fifth year teaching at RCS. I graduated from Dordt University in the spring of 2020, where I majored in Elementary Education with a minor in K-12 TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language). My husband, Brandon, and I got married in July of 2020 and we are now living in Waupun. I grew up in Fox Lake and attended Central Wisconsin Christian, so I am thrilled to be close to home and teaching in a Christian school! I love helping my students find a love for reading! My desire is for my students to grow in their academics as well as in their relationship with Christ. In my free time I enjoy gardening, baking/cooking, spending time outdoors, and of course, reading! 



    Hello! My name is Sarah LeMahieu, and I have the privilege of teaching middle school social studies and Bible at Randolph Christian School, where I’m now in my fourth year. I grew up in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, surrounded by my wonderful family, and attended Sheboygan Christian School. In 2020, I graduated from Trinity Christian College with a degree in Middle Grades and History Education. In my free time, you’ll often find me reading, playing games with friends, exploring new places, or hunting for treasures while thrifting.

    As an educator, my mission is to affirm to every student that they are created in the image of God and to help them reach their fullest potential. I strive to create a classroom environment where students feel safe to grow, make mistakes, and express who they truly are. One of the things I love most about working at Randolph Christian is the incredible sense of community and the support from families—it truly makes a difference. I’m so grateful to be part of this wonderful school family!



    Hello, my name is Lakeisha Heeringa. I have been working with kids and teaching music since 2011, but joined the RCS team in 2018. Music, writing, and learning are my passions. After being homeschooled, I attended Maranatha Baptist University for Piano Pedagogy. While I work at RCS part time, I also run a busy private music studio and am employed as a church musician at two area churches. I have been a member of the Beaver Dam Area Orchestra since 2007 and am currently the concertmaster. In the writing world, I am a member of American Christian Fiction Writers Association and am currently working on my debut novel.

    Since 2021, I have been leading Middle School Music/Choir at RCS. Sharing God’s gift of music with the students and seeing their appreciation of music grow is a real treat. The time in music class flies by as we learn everything from music history to theory to worldview in music to performance. My hope is that all my students learn to appreciate music and use it to bless others around them, whether in school or in the years to come.

    Outside of my jobs and various responsibilities, I love spending time with my family and my pet bunny, writing, reading, composing and arranging music, hiking, hunting and fishing, and enjoying the great outdoors.