Randolph Christian School Constitution


  • Believing that it is our duty and privilege as Christian parents to provide Christian education for our children, and believing that this can best be accomplished by concerted action, we do hereby make and adopt the following articles of association, which shall be considered to be the bylaws of the Randolph Christian School Society, Inc., to wit:

  • This organization shall be known as the Randolph Christian School Society, Inc.

  • The basis of the Randolph Christian School Society, Inc. is the word of God as interpreted in the Reformed Standards. It is not an ecclesiastical body nor is it subject to any ecclesiastical organization. The government of the Randolph Christian School Society, Inc. is autonomous. It is based upon the three fold office of the believer – prophet, priest and king. Moreover, this organization is committed to the following education principles.

    1. Christian education has its foundation in the Creator-creature relationship taught in scriptures. It is understood as a process wherein a child’s personality is formed by instruction in the truth of God and human knowledge leavened with that truth.

    2. The responsibility for education rests upon the parents (Deut. 6:6-9 and Eph. 6:1-4). They may delegate a part of this responsibility to an institution which is able to carry forward their God-given task. The authority of the teacher in discipline and character training is derived from the fact that he stands in loco parentis; and the teacher derived authority in subject matter from faithfulness to the laws of God in special and general revelation.

    3. The child is regarded first of all as a spiritual physical creature, created in the image of God, capable of learning, knowing, and obeying the truth of God’s Word and the laws of His creation. He is also regarded as a social creature standing in relation to his fellow man, having moral, intellectual, and social needs.

    4. The curriculum of the Christian School is the medium through which the child is oriented to a life in Christ and to the culture of this world for fellowship with the service to God in this life and the life to come.

  • The purpose of the organization is to maintain a school for the daily instruction of children, such instruction is to be in accordance with Article II and directed toward the end that these children may occupy their places worthily in society, church, and state.

  • Section 1.

    All parents and guardians of children attending the school maintained by the association are eligible for membership in the organization. Membership shall not be restricted because of sex, race or national origin.

    Section 2.

    All other persons eighteen years of age or older and contributing no less than $250.00 per year to the organization may be members of the association.

    Section 3.

    All members of the organization shall indicate their agreement with Articles II and III of this constitution.

    Section 4.

    Membership includes the privilege of voting at the meetings of this association, as well as readiness to participate in activities on behalf of the school entered into by the organization.

  • Section 1.

    The annual meeting of the organization shall be held prior to the May board meeting. The exact time, date, and place shall be determined by the board. At this meeting the secretary shall render a report of the activity and progress of the school during the past year. The treasurer shall make a report of financial matters; the school budget for the ensuing year, proposed by the board, shall be acted upon; and the annual election of board members shall take place.

    Section 2.

    Special meetings of the organization may be held at any time whenever deemed necessary by the board or its president; or whenever requested in writing by one-fourth of the members of this organization. Such request, however, must state the reason for calling the meeting.

    Section 3.

    Notice of all meetings shall be given at least two weeks prior to the meeting. When such notice has been given, those members who appear shall constitute a quorum. The method of giving notices shall be as follows: Bulletin announcements of supporting churches, the school newsletter, the school website, and making it available upon request at the school office.

    Section 4.

    All decisions shall be made by oral vote (except those pertaining to persons, which shall be by ballot) unless otherwise decided at the meeting.

    Section 5.
    The majority (over half the ballots cast) shall rule in all cases, unless otherwise decided by the association or by “Robert’s Rules of Order.”

    Section 6.

    No motion for new business shall be made from the floor at the society meeting.

  • The School Board shall consist of eight members. At least two-thirds of the Board shall be made up of members of a Christian Reformed or Reformed Church. Each member’s term shall be for three years. They shall meet monthly and shall perform the following duties:

    Section 1.

    Determine the various school policies

    Section 2.

    Select a principal and teaching staff which is qualified to carry out the educational policies of the school.

    Section 3.

    Assure itself through its representatives, who shall visit the school each month, which the educational policies are duly carried out in school.

    Section 4.

    The Board shall obtain all necessary funds for operating the school from tuition, membership fees, special gifts, and other means, and shall determine how these funds shall be distributed.

    Section 5.

    They shall propagate the cause of Christian education in the community, and through the Christian Schools International, promote the cause of Christian education in general.

    Section 6.

    They shall compose at the December meeting a list of nominees for the new board members, who will replace those whose terms expire.

    Section 7.

    Board members may serve back to back terms, if they are willing, for a maximum of 6 years of continuous service. Their names must be placed on the ballot to renew the second term. After completion of term(s) board members are not subject to reelection for one year.

  • Section 1.

    The president, vice president, and secretary shall perform those duties commonly associated with their office.

    Section 2.

    The treasurer shall be entrusted with the receipts and disbursements of the organization’s funds. All moneys received by the treasurer shall be deposited in the name of the organization in a banking house approved by the board, and no disbursements shall be made except by check. No payment shall be made without the approval of the board. The treasurer shall report regarding finances at the monthly meeting of the Board and at the annual meeting of the organization.

  • Section 1.

    All teachers shall be appointed by the Board after careful consideration of their spirituality, character, training, and other qualifications. They shall be appointed upon such terms, and such salary, and such other conditions as the Board may determine.

    Section 2.

    All members of the teaching staff must declare their unconditional acceptance of the basis and purpose of the organization as expressed in Articles II and III of this constitution; they must be confessing members of a church whose doctrine is in agreement with these articles; they must be spiritually sound in their teaching, and lead a Christian life.

    Section 3.

    All teachers shall be contracted according to the Christian Schools International’s Teacher Contract form. All teachers shall give the board two months notice of intended resignations, and the Board, in turn, agrees to give teachers two months notice of dismissal, except in the case of a teacher who proves unfit for the work, whose instruction conflicts with the basis and purpose of the society, or who does not lead a Christian life, in which cases dismissal may be without notice.

    Section 4.

    A course of study outlining the work for each grade shall be prepared by the principal. After approval by the board, such course of study shall be strictly adhered to by all teachers.

    Section 5.

    The school term shall be determined by the board who likewise shall determine such holidays and vacations as shall be allowed.

    Section 6.

    The principal, as school expert, shall be advisory member of the school board and its education committee.

    Section 7.

    Sections 2 and 3 of this article shall be made a written part of all contracts entered into with members of the teaching staff.

  • The constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of any regular or special meeting of the organization, providing that two weeks notice has been provided as set forth in Article V, Section 3 above. However, Articles II, III and IX are subject to change only by unanimous vote. In addition, amendments to the Constitution may not be made at more than two separate meetings (regular or special) taking place in the same calendar year.

  • In case of dissolution, the property and moneys belonging to the organization as a body shall be donated, after liquidation, to such a Christian educational entity as the organization may direct, so long as said entity has tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code or the corresponding provisions of any future federal tax code.

  • The undersigned President and Secretary certify that the above constitution, which includes several amendments, has been approved by a two-thirds vote of a meeting of the organization which took place on March 7, 2013. The amendments to Articles II, III and IX were approved by a unanimous vote at the same meeting.